Friday, 30 March 2007

(Not) Taking The Medicine

I'm relieved to discover that taking less of the anti-epilepsy medicine is having a beneficial effect on my sleeping hours. (This is going to be the last mention of sleep, as Adsense is beginning to misrepresent the nature of this blog). I've been meaning to cut down on that stuff for a while now, as I'm sure that the intensity it gives me has contributed to the collapse of my nervous system.

I've been taking anti-epilepsy medication since I was 14, so it's over 16 years now. I don't have seizures anymore, but I do get dizzy spells whnenever I've tried to come off it completely. The main reason I continue to take it is for concentration, and maybe as a mood stabilizer although I'm not sure about that. But it does make me feel intense, and I don't like to see that in myself. Compromise and moderation are always good (?), so less has to be more.

I've got a good regime going today. Pushing up when I want to, and dropping down when I have to, and not really feeling the effects of the exertion. That's how it should be...smooth, fluid and inherently musical.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I took the epilepsy medication for 3 weeks and the only result is that I gained 15 pounds in 3 weeks... I stopped them right there...
Now, I'm trying to cut on anti-depressor..Effexor... and I get sick as hell... I did cut the dosage at 2/3 for now... and it made me very sick for a week... but since I feel better that when I was taking the full dose... and I am now hesitating about taking less... ;-(